The following aricles and book chapters have been/will be published by members of the AVIDICUS consortium:
Balogh, K., Salaets, H. (2017). Videoconferencing in legal context: a comparative study of simulated and real-life settings. In J. Napier, S. Braun & R. Skinner (Eds.), in preparation.
Braun, S., Davitti, E., Dicerto, S. (2017). Video-mediated interpreting in legal settings: Assessing the implementation. In J. Napier, S. Braun & R. Skinner (Eds.), in preparation.
Licoppe, C. & Veyrier, C.A. (2017). Managing remote documents and participants in the courtroom during video-mediated hearings. In J. Napier, S. Braun & R. Skinner (Eds.), in preparation.
Napier, J., Braun, S., Skinner, R. (Eds) 2017). Here or there: Research on remote interpreting. Washington: Gallaudet Press, in preparation.
Braun, S. (2017). What a micro-analytical investigation of additions and expansions in remote interpreting can tell us about interpreter’s participation in a shared virtual space. Journal of Pragmatics 107, 165-177 (Special Issue “Participation in Interpreter-Mediated Interaction”, guest-edited by M. Biagini, E. Davitti, A. Sandrelli).
Braun, S. (2016). Videoconferencing as a tool for bilingual mediation. In B. Townsley (Ed.), Understanding Justice: An enquiry into interpreting in civil justice and mediation. London: Middlesex University.
Braun, S. & Balogh, K. (2016). Bilingual videoconferencing in legal proceedings: Findings from the AVIDICUS projects. Proceedings of the Conference on Electronic protocol – an opportunity for a transparent and fast process, Warsaw May 2015. Warsaw: Ministry of Justice of Poland.
Braun, S. (2016). The European AVIDICUS projects: Collaborating to assess the viability of video-mediated interpreting in legal proceedings. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1-7.
Braun, S. (2015). Remote Interpreting. In Mikkelson, H, & Jourdenais, R (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Interpreting (pp. 352-367). New York: Routledge.
Braun, S. (2015). Videoconference Interpreting. In Pöchhacker, F, Grbic, N, Mead, P, & Setton, R (Eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies. New York: Routledge.
Braun, S. (2015). Remote Interpreting. In Pöchhacker, F, Grbic, N, Mead, P, & Setton, R (Eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies. New York: Routledge.
Licoppe, C. & Verdier, M. (2015). L’interprétariat par visioconférence au sein des chambres de l’instruction en France: une étude conversationnelle de l’activité d’interprétariat dans un dispositif interactionnel médiatisé. Langage et société 153(3), 109–131.
Braun, S. (2014). Comparing traditional and remote interpreting in police settings: quality and impact factors. In Viezzi, M, & Falbo, C (Eds.), Traduzione e interpretazione per la società e le istituzioni (pp. 161-176). Trieste: Edizioni Università di Trieste.
Braun, S., Sandrelli, A. & Townsley, B. (2014). Technological support for testing. In C. Giambruno (Ed.), Assessing legal interpreter quality through testing and certification: the QUALITAS project (pp. 109-139). Alicante: Publicaciones de Alicante.
Braun S. (2013) Keep your distance? Remote interpreting in legal proceedings: A critical assessment of a growing practice. Interpreting 15 (2), 200-228.
Licoppe, C. & Verdier, M. (2013). Interpreting, video communication and the sequential reshaping of institutional talk in the bilingual and distributed courtroom. Int. J. Speech Lang. Law 20, 247–276.
Balogh, K. & Hertog, E. (2012). AVIDICUS comparative studies – part II: Traditional, videoconference and remote interpreting in police interviews. In Braun, S. & J. Taylor (Eds), 119-136.
Braun, S. (2012). Recommendations for the use of video-mediated interpreting in criminal proceedings. In Braun, S. & J. Taylor (Eds), 301-328.
Braun, S. & J. Taylor (Eds.) (2012a). Videoconference and remote interpreting in criminal proceedings. Antwerp: Intersentia.
Braun, S. & Taylor, J. (2012b). Video-mediated interpreting: an overview of current practice and research. In Braun, S & J Taylor (Eds), 33-68.
Braun, S. & Taylor, J. (2012c).Video-mediated interpreting in criminal proceedings: two European surveys. In Braun, S & J Taylor (Eds), 69-98.
Braun, S. & Taylor, J. (2012d). AVIDICUS comparative studies – part I: Traditional interpreting and remote interpreting in police interviews. In Braun, S & J Taylor (Eds), 99-118.
Braun, S., Taylor, J., Miler-Cassino, J., Rybinska, Z., Balogh, K., Hertog, E., Vanden Bosch, Y., Rombouts, D. (2012). Training in video-mediated interpreting in criminal proceedings: modules for interpreting students, legal interpreters and legal practitioners. In S Braun & J Taylor (Eds), 137-159.
Corsellis, A. (2012). AVIDICUS: Conclusions and implications. In Braun, S. & J. Taylor (Eds), 255-264.
Miler-Cassino, J. & Rybinska, Z. (2012). AVIDICUS comparative studies – part III: Traditional interpreting and videoconference interpreting in prosecution interviews. In Braun, S. & J. Taylor (Eds), 117-136.
Rombouts, D. (2012).The police interview using videoconferencing with a legal interpreter: a critical view from the perspective of interview techniques. Braun, S. & J. Taylor (Eds), 159-166.
Van den Hoogen, R. & Van Rotterdam, P. (2012). True-to-life requirements for using videoconferencing in legal proceedings. In Braun, S. & J. Taylor (Eds), 215-226.
Van der Vlis, E. (2012). Videoconferencing in criminal proceedings. In S Braun & J Taylor (Eds), 13-32.
Braun, S. (2007). Interpreting in small-group bilingual videoconferences: Challenges and adaptation processes. Interpreting 9 (1), 21-46.
Braun, S. (2006). Multimedia communication technologies and their impact on interpreting. In M. Carroll, H. Gerzymisch-Arbogast & S. Nauert (Eds), Audiovisual Translation Scenarios. Proceedings of the Marie Curie Euroconferences MuTra: Audiovisual Translation Scenarios Copenhagen, 1-5 May 2006.
Braun, S. (2004). Kommunikation unter widrigen Umständen? Fallstudien zu einsprachigen und gedolmetschten Videokonferenzen. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.