Most recent work
AVIDICUS 3 Handbook of Bilingual Videoconferencing: This handbook is designed to be a comprehensive guide to the use of videoconference (VC) in legal proceedings where such proceedings are conducted with the assistance of an interpreter, leading to situations of bilingual (or multilingual) videoconferencing. The handbook applies to the use of VC in judicial and law enforcement proceedings at national level and to cases of mutual legal assistance, which entail cross-border videoconferencing. This guide is designed for the following policy makers interested in learning more about good practices in order to develop or improve the procedures of procuring and implementing VC at institutional level; legal professionals (e.g. judges, lawyers, prosecutors, court clerks, police officers) using VC in their everyday work at different levels, from organising VCs to handling or chairing them, or even ‘just’ VC participation; legal interpreters wishing to expand their knowledge about VC communication for their continuous professional development; technicians tasked with installing, maintaining and managing VC equipment, setting up and operating VC sessions; system designers of VC systems for the justice sector. – Download pdf version
Previous work
AVIDICUS 2 Guidelines 2013: Videoconferencing can potentially be a useful tool in national proceedings (e.g. links between courts and prisons), cross-border proceedings (e.g. hearings of witnesses abroad) and international proceedings such as at the International Criminal Court (not covered by this guide). Each of these settings can entail the use of video-mediated interpreting (VMI). However, given the challenges of VMI, it should be used with caution. This document provides guidance on using VMI in criminal proceedings, i.e. its use up to and including a criminal trial. It covers lawyer-client consultations, investigative interviews, court hearings and trials. It is primarily at members of the judiciary, prosecutors, defence lawyers, authorities responsible for criminal proceedings in their national jurisdiction; legal interpreters; and system designers. Criminal Justice Service is broader, and those frequently working post-sentence may also find themselves using VMI and may benefit from this guide. – Download pdf version
AVIDICUS 2 Mini-Guides 2013: In addition to the guidelines document above, the AVIDICUS 2 project created three mini-guides, aimed more specifically at EU citizens involved in videooconference-based bilingual proceedings, legal practitioners and police officers, and legal interpreters.